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February 25, 2025 3 min read

Raising chickens is a rewarding hobby that brings fresh eggs, natural pest control, and plenty of personality to your backyard. Whether you’re a first-time chicken keeper or looking to expand your flock, choosing the right breed is key. At Brookies Rural Traders, we not only offer chickens for sale but also expert advice and all the supplies you need to give your birds the best start.

Here’s a guide to some of the best chicken breeds for backyard keepers – from prolific egg layers to family-friendly pets.

Top Egg-Laying Breeds

If fresh eggs are your priority, these breeds are your best bet:

Isa BrownsSuper friendly and lay up to300+ eggs per year.
LeghornsWhite egg layers with high energy and excellent productivity.
AustralorpsHardy, great for beginners, and known for theirrecord-breaking egg-laying abilities.

Great Purebred Breeds

If you want chickens that lay eggs and are also a little different:

Plymouth RocksCalm and productive with a good egg-laying rate.
SussexFriendly, good layers, and great for families.
OrpingtonsLarge, fluffy, and docile with good egg production.

Best Pet & Family-Friendly Breeds

Looking for a chook that’s great with kids? Try these:

SilkiesFluffy and sweet-natured, perfect for backyard pets.
Pekin BantamsSmall, cute, and great for small spaces.
WyandottesBeautiful, friendly, and easy to handle.

Pro Tip:Consider a mix of breeds to enjoy a variety of egg colours and personalities in your flock!

What to Consider When Buying Chickens

Before bringing home your feathered friends, here are some important things to think about:

Age:Pullets (young hens) are great for beginners, while chicks require extra care.
Space:Each chicken needs about1 square metre in the coop and 3-4 square metres in a run.
Climate:Some breeds handle heat better (Leghorns), while others are cold-hardy (Australorps).
Egg Production:If you wantdaily fresh eggs, go for high layers like Isa Browns or Leghorns.
Temperament: Some breeds are docile (Orpingtons, Silkies), while others are more active and independent.

Brookies Tip: Always buy from a reputable seller to ensure healthy, well-raised chickens! Visit our stores for expert advice and chickens for sale you can trust.

What You Need to Raise Backyard Chickens

Setting up a safe and comfortable space for your chickens is essential. Here’s what you’ll need:

1. A Secure Chicken Coop & Run

  • Your coop should bewell-ventilated, predator-proof, and easy to clean.

  • Chickens needroosting perches and nesting boxes for laying eggs.

  • Achicken run gives them space to scratch, dust bathe, and explore.

2. Quality Chicken Feed & Supplements

  • Layer feed is ideal for egg-laying hens.

  • Chicks need a high-protein starter feed.

  • Grit and calcium (like crushed oyster shells) help with digestion and strong eggshells.

3. Fresh Water Supply

  • Always provideclean, fresh water in a sturdy drinker.

  • Consider agravity feeder to keep food clean and dry.

4. Bedding & Cleaning Supplies

  • Use straw, pine shavings, or hemp bedding for nesting areas.

  • Regularly clean the coop toprevent mites and bacteria buildup.

5. Health & Care Essentials

  • Chickens needregular worming and mite checks.

  • Keep an eye on their combs and feathers for signs of illness.

  • Provideentertainment like hanging treats or perches to keep them happy!

Find the Best Chickens for Sale & Chicken Supplies at Brookies Rural Traders!

We’re passionate about backyard poultry and have everything you need to raise happy, healthy chickens.

Looking for chickens for sale? We can help you find the right breed!

Need quality feed and chicken care products? Browse our range of poultry essentials onlineor visit us in-store.

Want expert advice? Our friendly team is here to help!

Get started with backyard chickens today and enjoy fresh eggs, happy hens, and a fun new hobby!