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December 12, 2022 3 min read

If you’re a first time furr-parent or your pup is having anxiety or behavioural issues, you may be considering crate training. So what exactly is crate training and is it even worthwhile?

Crate training is the process of teaching your pet that the crate is a safe and comfortable space for them, and only them. Dog crates are usually made of plastic (often called flight kennels or Vari-Kennels) that is just large enough for a dog to stand up and turn around in. In particular the crate is used to provide a safe space to reside when no one is around and they might feel lonely. Crates provide confinement as a means of safety, security, house training, and prevention of destructive behaviour.


Since dogs are den-dwelling animals, the crate is used as a den substitute. If introduced properly, most puppies can learn to tolerate crate training. The initial stress from being confined can give way to increased feelings of security, safety, and comfort after repeated exposure. However, crate exposure is only successful when done properly, excessive or long term crate confinement can have a negative impact. 

The Psychology Behind Crate Training:  

Essentially the method of crate training takes advantage of canines’ natural instincts to seek out a comfortable, quiet and safe place when their environment suddenly becomes uncomfortable or too overwhelming. In fact, crate training helps prevent dogs from chewing on items in the home or during housetraining, as dogs will often do this when they feel overwhelmed or stressed to distract themselves. On top of that, dog crates are also a safe way to transport your dog during travels. 

Dog trainers believe crate training is one of the most beneficial life skills for your furbaby as it will teach them how to be self-sufficient, how to self-soothe, and provide them with a safe space that they can utilize at any time. 


Is crate training worthwhile?

The use of a crate is one of the quickest and least stressful ways to train dogs. Although many dog owners, especially first timers, will often reject the idea of using a crate, the truth is that a crate helps satisfy the dog’s instinct to be in a den during stressful moments.

What are the benefits of crate training? 

Enclosed spaces create a shelter for your canine companion to rest and relax. Dogs naturally seek small spaces to create protective shelters for themselves therefore, crates are essential training tools for puppies, safe havens for senior dogs, and lifesavers for emergencies. 

Most dog trainers, breeders, and veterinarians also recommend crate training dogs from a young age. As dogs don’t like to soil their sleeping quarters, they learn to hold their bladder while they’re in their crate which is also a great benefit of crate training. Here are just some of the amazing benefits of crate training in dogs:

Great for travel

Travelling can be quite overwhelming for dogs. Therefore, crates can provide your pet with a safe comfort zone when on the move. They will more easily adapt to strange surroundings as long as they have their familiar “security blanket”; their crate.

Crates prepare your dog for emergency situations

Emergency situations can happen anytime and when you need to leave to find help, a crate trained dog is easy to transport. 

Crate training prevents destructive behaviour

You can enjoy peace of mind when leaving your dog home alone, knowing that they have their special place to reside. 


Crates prepare your dog for vet visits

There may come a time when your dog needs to spend some time at the vet’s clinic for medical reasons. Whilst they may still feel uncomfortable having to stay in an unfamiliar place away from you, they will feel more secure if they are inside their crate.

Crates prevent dogs from fighting

If you’re thinking about adding a second dog to your family, crates can help keep all your pets safe and happier, especially during the initial transition period. 

For all yourpet supplies, be itbird feed,dog food, orcat toys at Brookies Rural Traders we have you covered! If you have any questions, just reach out to us and we’re always happy to help.