From choosing the right breed to setting up a chicken coop and raising chicks, here's your ultimate guide to keeping chickens.
The essentials you need to get set up with backyard chickens.
Starter Feed:For chicks up to 8 weeks old, high in protein to support rapid growth.
Grower Feed:For young chickens (8-20 weeks), balanced for growth.
Layer Feed:For laying hens, rich in calcium and nutrients to support egg production.
Treats & Supplements:Scratch grains, kitchen scraps and meal worms.
Perches:Chickens love to roost off the ground at night.
Nesting Boxes:Provide 1 nesting box for every 3-4 hens.
Ventilation:Good airflow to keep the coop fresh and dry.
Free-Range:More space means happier chickens and more natural behaviours. Time to roam throughout the day is essential.
Fencing:Protects chickens from predators and keeps them safe.