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Kelato Swelldown Poultice Kelato


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Local Family Run Business


A stable first aid essential! A clay poultice that quickly takes heat out of inflammation, reducing swelling and overall leg soreness. Can be used on broken skin & easy to wash off.

Contains NO substances in concentrations that breach the rules of racing.

The combination of wet clay, essential oils and minerals has a cooling effect on the skin. Heat produced by exercise or injury is drawn out at a rapid rate, limiting hypoxic (lack of oxygen) damage and reducing the risk of oedema (fluid retention) and muscle damage, thereby aiding recovery.

  • Magnesium Sulphate: Delivers the cooling drawing action to lessen pain.
  • Potassium Aluminium Sulphate: Works to ‘tighten’ the leg, keeping swelling and inflammation at a minimum.
  • Calcium Carbonate: Adjusts the poultice to the correct pH level.
  • Oil of Peppermint and Eucalyptus:
  • Reduces muscle pain and inflammation.
  • Creates a cooling sensation; keeps horse comfortable.
  • Glycerine: A humectant (retains moisture) which softens & moisturises the skin. Reduces itchiness.
  • Wet montmorillonite clay: Binds the actives together and keeps them wet, so effective for longer.


  • After training, trialling and post-race
  • After exercise (especially on hard or heavy ground)
  • After events
  • Travelling
  • First sign of inflammation
  • Can be used to draw out stone bruises

Features & Benefits

  • Delivers a drawing action to help reduce swelling, heat and inflammation.
  • Fast and effective tightener around knees, ankles and tendons.
  • Wet clay, essential oils and minerals have a cooling effect on the skin.
  • The clay binds the actives together and retains moisture.
  • Can be used to help draw out stone bruises and general hoof soreness.
  • Softens and moisturises the skin.
  • Washes off easily with water.
  • Contains NO substances in concentrations which breach the rules of racing.


  • Aluminium Silicate
  • Calcium Carbonate
  • Glycerine
  • Magnesium Sulphate (Epsom Salts)
  • Potassium Aluminium Sulphate (Alum)
  • Oil of Peppermint
  • Oil of Eucalyptus
  • Montmorillonite Clay